Parpia.com Traffic statistics
This site has received 1812207 pages views since 01.2000, 233 today, and 446 yesterday. The day on which there was the most traffic so far was Saturday, March 02, 2019 ( 5738 page views), while Saturday, June 03, 2006 ( 1 page views) was the day with the fewest hits.
Most people visit on Monday, with a total of 266747 page views, while Sunday is the day with the fewest visits, with a total of 245935 page views. On average, the busiest hour (with 87166 page views ) starts at 5 :00, The hour during which traffic has been lightest starts at 20 :00, (with only 66827 page views).
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Quotes |
"I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
-- Britney Spears
Jokes |
- The Local Game Warden
(Sep 18, 2006)
- The Americans and The Japanese
(Sep 18, 2006)
- The Train Signalman Application
(Sep 18, 2006)
- Wednesday Funnies
(Sep 18, 2006)
- Wednesday Funnies
(Sep 18, 2006)
- Why Did the Chicken cross the Road? -- Part 2
(Sep 18, 2006)
- Journalist Jokes
(Sep 18, 2006)
- Journalist Jokes
(Sep 18, 2006)
- Paper Shredder
(Sep 18, 2006)
- Strength against Age
(Sep 18, 2006)